Coloring Book Club

Learn anatomy the way medical students do!  

Scroll Down or CLICK HERE to See a Short Video from Dr. Robin!

There are several ways to use the coloring book:

  • Purchase the book and work through it on your own
  • Attend live Anatomy Coloring Book Club sessions
  • Watch recorded sessions from a previous semester

Check out the schedule and review the safety and privacy policies for live classes.

Click here for our Coloring Book Club Schedule.

Get the Coloring Book

Get Dr. Robin’s School


Learn anatomy the way medical students do!

These are the first science classes my son absorbs and gets excited for. You take it from a logical introductory to more sophisticated. He especially loves the coloring, drawing, and models as he’s a visual learner.

A Happy Parent


Do Your Kids Love to Color?

They can learn like medical students!

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