Learn from a Real Physician
Dr. Robin is a board certified family physician with over a decade in private practice including seven years as the owner and solo physician in her own micropractice. During that time, Dr. Robin also founded the first free clinic in her city and was the medical director for several years. She was adjunct faculty at Rocky Vista University Medical School and is now a guest lecturer.
Since 2020, Dr. Robin has taught nearly 3,000 children around the world in live online classes. Realizing that her teaching expertise was needed by more students, she started on the path of creating Dr. Robin’s School in 2021. She also created an anatomy coloring book for kids that is in its second edition in 2024.
A limited number of students are chosen each semester to have the opportunity to study one on one with Dr. Robin.

What Tutoring Looks Like
Each session is 50 minutes long and consists of lessons tailored to the interest of your particular student. Dr. Robin will not help with schoolwork or another class. Rather, she will create a program for your particular student that focuses on specific topics related to human anatomy or physiology, microbiology, pharmacology, pathophysiology, or foundations of patient communication and documentation.
The expectation is that your student will stay in tutoring weekly for a semester in order to build understanding and get the most from this extraordinary opportunity. A demonstration of excellent learning may prompt an invitation to continue for a future semester.
Because Dr. Robin is an unparalleled educator in high demand, she can only take a few private students each semester. The current rate is $350 per session for a minimum of 10 sessions, each 50 minutes long and scheduled during limited time slots. Students are expected to complete 1-6 hours of homework a week depending on grade/age and if they are unprepared and unable to participate fully, the session will be forfeited without a refund.
High Achieving
The ideal students for this opportunity are high achieving students between 4th grade and a junior in undergrad (the first 3 years of university). Dr. Robin will not be teaching basic biology or anatomy and will assume an age appropriate understanding is already in place. At the same time, lessons are geared for each individual student and there are no test scores or other proof required.
Goal Oriented
A student who sits passively waiting to be fed information does not need Dr. Robin’s expertise. Rather, this is an approach that works best with a student who will create learning goals with Dr. Robin and then actively work towards those goals during and between sessions. Parents are encouraged to be involved quietly in the background but to encourage your student to take leadership of their learning. Over-involved parents will cause a student to not be invited back.
Future Aspirations
Students who are chosen for the opportunity will have interest in STEM related fields that will benefit from a greater understanding of human physiology and pathophysiology. As a physician, Dr. Robin can tailor the course towards these specific interests.