All the Lessons

Dr. Robin has taught nearly 3000 children around the world and is an expert in making complex topics understandable

Scroll through the different types of lessons or continue down the page for a video tour and a detailed list!


Recorded Lessons

Dr. Robin’s lessons are manageable for younger learners but long enough (approx. 20 minutes) to really dig in to a topic in detail. In each lesson, Dr. Robin clearly explains complex science, building knowledge step-by-step with models, drawings, metaphors and demonstrations to develop understanding rather than just providing exposure.


Each module begins with an optional module workbook.  The page for each lesson is also available in that lesson.

For Anatomy Coloring Book Club, you can order Dr. Robin’s own coloring book on Amazon. For Book Club, you can get the book we’re reading from your favorite library or bookstore and the discussion questions will be posted in the lesson.


A number of lessons include a professionally made or homemade model but any lesson listed with “Modeling” at the beginning is focused entirely around a model that students can create themselves.  These can be functional models (such as a model of how the diaphragm expands the lung) or they can be structural models (such as the model of the digestive system). 


If a lesson is listed with “Coloring” at the beginning, it is focused on coloring and labeling an illustration that was custom designed and drawn for the program.  If you enjoy coloring, you should also check out Dr. Robin’s anatomy coloring book!


While dissection is definitely not required for the program, we know some families want to experience anatomy hands-on in this way.  Any lesson that is listed with “Dissection” at the beginning is a dissection of an animal organ (or a whole grocery store chicken in the case of that dissection).  You can watch the dissection or participate at home.

Instrument or Technology

Lessons labelled with either “Instrument” or “Technology” at the beginning focus on a tool that is used in medicine.  This might be a stethoscope, EKG machine, or tuning fork.  These lessons provide a practical application of what students are learning in the rest of the lessons and include detailed explanations or demonstrations.


Anything listed with “Practice” at the beginning refers to Quizlet review that’s been created to match with the lesson it’s named for.  Most of these are set up as matching games but you can change them into flashcards, worksheets, or whichever Quizlet format you prefer.


Anything listed with “Careers” at the beginning refers to a lesson that focuses on a specific career related to the module.  This is a written lesson describing the career and each career has a printable summary.

Watch the Video Tour or Keep Scrolling for the List

Dr. Robin’s School has an abundance of material and we support parents with a comprehensive parent dashboard and one-on-one support with Nurse Jill!


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Even More Than Is Listed Below!

Dr. Robin is a family physician who understands what people need to know in order to stay healthy and make good choices.  Therefore, the core of the program is Every Body’s Human Biology.  Those are the lessons listed above.  

Learning works in many ways and Dr. Robin has also created a Coloring Book Club, a Book Club, and more.  So those lessons are in addition to the list above.

During the summer, we also offer a summer badge program.  This is designed around badges that students earn by learning!

More is always coming!  Dr. Robin’s expertise is extensive so she’s always adding new material and options for families. 

A Holistic Approach to Science

By learning science in relation to their own bodies, students are ready to tackle more specific science topics having already been introduced to them. 

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Coloring Book 

Learn anatomy the way medical students do!  Dr. Robin’s coloring book is designed to teach complex lessons in ways that make sense.

Human Reproduction

This is kept separate so you have control over when your child is ready and for how much.  There are three core lessons that explain the basics and eight special topics. We encourage parents to watch the entire unit and then share what’s appropriate with your child.

Book Club

During each book club month, you’ll get a new discussion guide for a middle grade novel in which the main character has a disability or serious medical problem. 

 Lessons for Grown Ups

These are lessons that are more practical in nature that help with topics such as lab results, women’s health exams, and parenting.  Dr. Robin is a family physician so spent her career caring for families and is an expert in these topics.



  • Welcome from Dr. Robin
  • Draw a Cell
  • Practice: The Cell Matching
  • Careers: Different Paths
  • Careers: Pathology

The Circulatory System and Heart

  • Modeling: DIY Heart Pump
  • Practice: DIY Heart Pump
  • Systole and Diastole
  • Practice: Systole and Diastole
  • Intro to the Heart
  • Practice: Intro to the Heart
  • Blood and Blood Components
  • Practice: Blood and Blood Components
  • Coloring: Heart in Situ
  • Modeling: Heart in Situ
  • Dissection: Heart
  • Lesson: Intro to Blood Pressure
  • Practice: Intro to Blood Pressure
  • Lesson: Heart Murmurs, Attacks, and Failure
  • Practice: Heart Murmur, Heart Attack, Heart Failure
  • Lesson: Taking Good Care of Your Heart
  • Practice: Taking Good Care of Your Heart
  • Instruments: Stethoscopes
  • Technology: EKGs
  • Practice: EKGs Labelling Flashcards
  • Practice: EKG Definitions
  • Practice: Stethoscopes
  • Careers: Cardiology
  • Careers: Nephrologist

The Respiratory System

  • Intro to the Lungs
  • Modeling: DIY Lung Model
  • Practice: DIY Lung Model
  • Coloring: How We Make Speech
  • Asthma
  • Practice: Asthma
  • COPD and Smoking
  • Practice: COPD & Smoking
  • Pneumonia
  • Practice: Pneumonia


The Endocrine System

  • Intro to Hormones
  • Candy and Blood Sugar
  • Practice: Candy & Blood Sugar
  • Intro to Diabetes
  • Practice: Intro to Diabetes
  • How We Grow
  • Practice: How We Grow
  • The Thyroid
  • Practice: The Thyroid
  • The Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis
  • Practice: Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis
  • Workbook for the Endocrine System
  • Careers: Endocrinologist

The Gastrointestinal System

  • GI Overview
  • Practice: GI Overview
  • Inside the Mouth
  • Practice: Inside the Mouth
  • Teeth
  • Practice: Teeth
  • Mini Activity: Dental Chart
  • Practice: Mini Activity: Dental Chart
  • Dental Care
  • Practice: Dental Care
  • The Stomach and What Goes Wrong
  • Practice: The Stomach and What Goes Wrong
  • The Small Intestine
  • Practice: The Small Intestine
  • The Liver and Hepatitis
  • Practice: The Liver & Hepatitis
  • Experiment: Liver Enzyme
  • Practice: Liver Enzyme Experiment
  • The Pancreas
  • Practice: The Pancreas
  • The Large Intestine
  • Practice: The Large Intestine
  • Modeling the GI System
  • Practice: Modeling: the GI System
  • Dissection: The Liver
  • Careers: Gastroenterologist
  • Careers: Surgical Assistant

The Immune System

  • Intro to the Immune System: Innate and Adaptive Immunity
  • Practice: Intro to the Immune System
  • Meet the White Blood Cells
  • Practice: Meet the White Blood Cells
  • Bugs and Drugs
  • Practice: Bugs & Drugs
  • Ear Infections
  • Practice: Ear Infections
  • Vaccines
  • Practice: Vaccines
  • Scarlet Fever and Strep Throat
  • Practice: Scarlet Fever & Strep Throat
  • Allergies and Anaphylaxis
  • Practice: Allergies and Anaphylaxis
  • Autoimmune Diseases
  • Practice: Autoimmune Diseases
  • Careers: Immunologist
  • Careers: Infectious Disease
  • Careers: Rheumatologist


The Musculoskeletal System

  • Intro to Bones
  • Practice: Intro to Bones
  • Intro to Joints
  • Practice: Intro to Joints
  • Intro to Muscles
  • Practice: Intro to Muscles
  • Dissection: Chicken
  • Feet
  • Practice: Feet
  • The Skull
  • Practice: The Skull
  • Muscles of the Facial Expression
  • Practice: Muscles of the Facial Expression
  • Cleft Lip and Limb Differences
  • Practice: Cleft Lip & Limb Differences
  • Careers: Physical Therapy
  • Careers: Orthopedic Surgery

The Neurologic System

  • The Brain
  • Spine and Spinal Cord
  • Grey and White Matter
  • Sleep
  • Inner Brain Health
  • Using the Frontal Lobe
  • Amygdala
  • Epilepsy
  • Careers: Neurologist
  • Intro to the 8 Senses
  • Draw a Human Eye
  • Touch
  • Proprioception
  • The Tongue and Nose
  • Interoception
  • The Ear and Hearing
  • Practice: The Ear and Hearing
  • Hearing and Vibrations
  • Vestibular System
  • Instruments: Tuning Fork

The Integumentary System (Skin)

  • Intro to the Skin, Hair, and Nails
  • UV Damage
  • Cuts and Bruises


  • Intro to Genetics and the Human Genome
  • Mitosis and Meiosis
  • Protein Synthesis
  • The Genetics of Earwax
  • Blood Type
  • Activity: Punnett Squares
  • Pedigrees
  • Careers: Geneticist

Putting it All Together

  • Follow a Red Blood Cell
  • Follow the Oxygen
  • Mini Lesson: Mitochondria
  • Follow the Iron
  • Hereditary Hemochromatosis (Iron Overload)


*these are new lessons currently being created, available 2024-2025 school year*

  • Intro to Nutrition
  • Water
  • Fiber
  • Protein
  • Carbohydrates
  • Fat
  • Intro to Vitamins and minerals
  • Vitamins
  • Minerals
  • How to read food labels
  • Body Image and Health (this one is in the parent dashboard)
  • Careers: Registered Dietician

Healthy Choices

  • Safety
  • Habits
  • Thinking About the Future
  • Careers: Nurse


Dr. Robin makes it very interesting and easy for kid at any age to understand the most complex topics.

A Happy Parent