Thank you for helping other families learn about Dr. Robin’s School. Answer whichever questions best apply to your situation! Preferred NameWhat would you like to call yourself for this? For example,"Holly M, mom of 3 kids in public school" or "Sarah B, homeschooling since 2016" or "anonymous"EmailThis will be kept anonymous, it's just to weed out the bots!TitleWhat is the most important information (or thesis statement) for your testimonial?0 characters out of 250What brought you to Dr. Robin's School?What problems were you having that cause you to hunt for Dr. Robin's School? Why did you choose Dr. Robin's School?Most memorable or impactful experienceWhat is the most memorable or impactful experience your child has had in the program?Your child's perspectiveWhat did your child tell you about the program or about their own health/body?Science knowledgeHave you observed any positive changes in your child's scientific knowledge or skills?Growth and DevelopmentHow did the program contribute to your child's overall development and growth?Would you recommend Dr. Robin's School to other families?If so, what are the top three reasons you'd share a glowing recommendation?What would you tell a friend?If a friend was considering Dr. Robin's School for their kids, what would you tell them?Photo (optional)This lets other families see the program in a "real life" setting. Please do not include your child's face.Star rating (optional)[5 Stars-Exceeded expectations] [4 Stars-Met expectations] [3 Stars-Mostly met expectations] [2 Stars-Did not meet expectations] [1 Star-Fell terribly short of expectations]rating fields ⇑⇑ Make sure to hit "Submit" ⇑⇑ Your feedback is so valuable to us! Thank you again for taking the time to share!